Friday, 14 December 2018

2 Ways How Double-Glazed Windows and Doors Help Us?

We all are fully aware of the benefits of double-glazing windows and doors, but how many of us are fully aware about the technical details or the benefits that this concept offers to us. In this post, we will take a closer look at the things that this concept can do for the users. 

Noise Reduction
  • One of the primary things that this concept can do is that it can reduce noise pollution on a significant basis and this is something that is not seen in other installations.
  • In this process, there are two panes of glass used and there is a slight gap between them that is filled with gasses like argon that has a very thick density.
Awning windows
  • In double glazed windows and doors, the second pane of glass acts as another layer of insulation, thereby reducing the amount of sound waves that travel through the system.
  • In addition to this, a wider cavity between the two panes of glass, preferably filled with a pressurised gas significantly reduces the travel of sound.
Increased Energy Efficiency
  • When the concept of double glazing is used in combination with uPVC windows and doors, the kind of energy efficiency that it generates is simply unmatched.
  • In this process too, the lead players are the gasses in between the panes and the second pane that totally restricts the process of heat transfer through the glass.
  • This works both in the hot and cooler temperatures and in summer; heat into the building is reduced, keeping a cool temperature inside.
  • On the other hand, during the winter season, this concept acts by keeping the heat trapped inside to keep the interiors warm as compared to the exteriors, thereby reducing the need of any other means of warming the interiors.
  • The bottom line is that this concept limits the amount of heating and cooling that is required, and maintains a comfortable temperature inside for longer.

Thursday, 17 May 2018

Replacement or Retrofitted Double Glazed Windows

Homeowners can use various ways and methods to insulate their homes, but none of them could be as good as double glazed windows. There than insulating your home, they offer robust protection from noisy outdoors to make your home more peaceful and tranquil. However, buyers are often found confused during the purchase process as a matter of fact that there are different types of windows with double glazing embed in it. Therefore, in this post, we have come up with some points that will help you differentiate between retrofitting and replacement double glazed windows. 

Replacement windows
  • According to the experts, if your windows have wooden frames that are rotting away, then it is best to just use uPVC double glazed windows in having them replaced. 
  • The reason why they recommend this is that this step will give an assurance that you will no longer have to face rotting window frame.
  • This is something really beneficial, taking into consideration the amount of money needed in making them look like new.
Retrofitted double glazed windows
  • Sellers of products like awning windows, stacking doors, etc. say that if your windows are still in good condition, but they let in too much heat you can get them retrofitted.
  • Similarly, if you experience too much of outside noise, in that case too, you could have them retrofitted with uPVC framed windows instead of really getting new double glazed windows.
  • Experts say that the benefit of this step is that this will help you with your thermal and noise insulation problems.
  • The reason is that uPVC is also known for being quite good in providing these benefits for your home.
  • Furthermore, experts say that retrofitted windows can still lower the ambient noise that comes into your home by as much as 75 percent. 

Wednesday, 7 February 2018

Top Two Benefits of Double Glazed Windows and Doors

When it comes to enhancing the beauty of a home, a homeowner can be amongst a number of options. But not all of them come with multiple benefits like enhancing the looks, increasing functionality, robustness, etc. In case, you are looking for all these features, the best thing to look for is double glazed windows and doors.

Those who are not in favour of this concept will give different excuses and points, but you need not listen to them and concentrate solely upon what you are going to get with this kind of installation. The most important things are being discussed in this post.

Climate Insulator
  • Other than being attention-puller, one more benefit of double glazed windows is that they can provide the best insulation amongst all other types present in the markets.
  • They can be the best in terms of energy efficiency because they have this feature of lessening heat loss caused inside the home during the winter season.
Double Glazed Windows and Doors
  • Other than this, the very same installation can block the entry of heat inside the home during the summer season to keep interiors cooler for a longer time and without needing artificial cooling agents.
  • Because of this, you will be able to save a great deal of money when it comes to the bills that you pay for your cooling and heating systems.

Sound Insulator
  • One more feature to avail with these double glazed windows and doors is that they will allow you to experience much quieter and peaceful interiors.
  • This is because of the fact that these installations are really useful in cutting down the sound coming from the opposite part of the installation.
  • This means that they will stop all kinds of noise coming from outside like of traffic, hawkers, stray animals, children, making the environment inside more serene.